姓名: 周苗(教授、博导)
个人简介:教授,博士生导师,国家级青年人才,国家重点研发计划首席科学家。长期从事凝聚态物理、新型量子物态、功能材料/核材料表/界面的多尺度理论计算研究,与实验密切合作。主持国家重点研发计划重点专项、国防科工委挑战计划、国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家级人才计划、浙江省自然科学基金重点项目等10余项,以一作或通讯作者发表Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A.、Phys. Rev. Lett.、Nano Lett.、Adv. Mater.等论文100余篇,他引5000余次。担任科技部、教育部、国家自然科学基金、地区基金、大型创新企业基金的评委。培养优秀硕博士、本科生30余人,其中多人获得国家奖学金、“挑战杯”全国一等奖等荣誉和奖项。
Nature Communications, Physical Review Letters, Advanced Materials, Advanced Energy Materials, Advanced Electronic Materials, New Journal of Physics, Journal of Applied Physics, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Japan Society of Applied Physics, Semiconductor Science and Technology, Chemical Communications , Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Nanotechnology, Nanoscale, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, Applied Surface Science, Computational Materials Science, Journal of the Physics and Chemistry of Solids, International Journal of Hydrogen Storage, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Acta Materialia等物理、化学、材料领域30多个高水平杂志的期刊审稿人;科技部、教育部、基金委及省部级科技、人才项目评委。
【1】 Dou, W.; Wu, M.; Song, B.; Zhi, G.; Hua, C.;Zhou, M.*; Niu T.* High-Yield Production of Quantum Corrals in a Surface Reconstruction Pattern. Nano Lett. 23, 148(2023).
【2】 Hua, C.; Wu, M.; Song, B.; Gao, W.; Zhi, G. X.;Niu, T.;Zhou, M.*, Topological phase diagram and Materials realization in triangular lattice with multiple orbitals. Quantum Frontiers 1, 7 (2022).
【3】 Dou, W.; Zhang, L.; Song, B.; Hua, C.; Wu, M.; Niu, T.;Zhou, M.*Vacancy-Regulated Charge Carrier Dynamics and Suppressed Nonradiative Recombination in Two-Dimensional ReX2 (X = S, Se). J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 13, 10656 (2022).
【4】 Niu, T.*;Zhou, M.* Bilayer borophene prevails over monolayer counterpart. Nano Today 46, 101608 (2022).
【5】 Niu, T.*; Hua, C.;Zhou, M.* On-Surface Synthesis toward Two-Dimensional Polymers. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 13, 8062 (2022).
【6】 Yao, J.; Hao, X.; Song, B.; Jia, Y.; Hua, C.;Zhou, M.*Majorana-like end states in one-dimensional dimerized Kitaev topolectrical circuit. New. J. Phys. 24, 043032 (2022).
【7】 Luo, F.; Hao, X.; Jia, Y.; Yao, J.; Meng, Q.; Zhai, S.; Wu, J.; Dou, W.;Zhou, M.*, Functionalization induced quantum spin Hall to quantum anomalous Hall phase transition in monolayer jacutingaite. Nanoscale 13, 2527 (2021).
【8】 Jia, Y.; Luo, F.; Hao, X.; Meng, Q.; Dou, W.; Zhang, L.; Wu, J.; Zhai, S.;Zhou, M.*, Intrinsic Valley Polarization and High-Temperature Ferroelectricity in Two-Dimensional Orthorhombic Lead Oxide. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13, 6480 (2021).
【9】 Wu, Y.; Liu, X.; Zhang, H.; Li, J.;Zhou, M.*; Li, L.*; Wang, Y.*, Atomic sandwiched p-n homojunctions. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 60, 3487 (2021).
【10】 Yao, J.; Hao, X.; Luo, F.; Jia, Y.;Zhou, M.*, Quadrupole topological phase and robust corner resonance in Kekuléhexagonal electric circuit. New J. Phys. 22, 093029 (2020).
【11】 Niu, T.*; Meng, Q.; Zhou, D.; Si, N.; Zhai, S.; Hao, X.;Zhou, M.*; Fuchs, H., Large-Scale Synthesis of Strain-Tunable Semiconducting Antimonene on Copper Oxide. Adv. Mater. 32, 1906873 (2020).
【12】 Zhou, D.; Meng, Q.; Si, N.; Zhou, X.; Zhai, S.; Tang, Q.; Ji, Q.;Zhou, M.*; Niu, T.*; Fuchs, H., Epitaxial Growth of Flat, Metallic Monolayer Phosphorene on Metal Oxide. ACS Nano 14, 2385 (2020).
【13】 Sun, L.; Hao, X.; Meng, Q.; Wang, L.; Liu, F.;Zhou, M.*, Polaronic Resistive Switching in Ceria-Based Memory Devices. Adv. Electron. Mater. 5, 1900271 (2019).
【14】 Ling, F.; Kang, W.; Jing, H.; Zeng, W.; Chen, Y.; Liu, X.; Zhang, Y.; Qi, L.; Fang, L.;Zhou, M.*, Enhancing hydrogen evolution on the basal plane of transition metal dichacolgenide van der Waals heterostructures. npj Comput. Mater. 5, 20 (2019).
【15】 Niu, T.; Wu, J.; Ling, F.; Jin, S.; Lu, G.;Zhou, M.*, Halogen-Adatom Mediated Phase Transition of Two-Dimensional Molecular Self-Assembly on a Metal Surface. Langmuir 34, 553 (2018).
【16】 Zhou, T.; Zang, Z.*; Wei, J.; Zheng, J.; Hao, J.; Ling, F.; Tang, X.; Fang, L.;Zhou, M.*, Efficient charge carrier separation and excellent visible light photoresponse in Cu2O nanowires. Nano Energy 50, 118 (2018).
【17】 Chen, W.; Hao, J.; Hu, W.; Zang, Z.; Tang, X.*; Fang, L.; Niu, T.;Zhou, M.*, Enhanced Stability and Tunable Photoluminescence in Perovskite CsPbX3/ZnS Quantum Dot Heterostructure. Small 13, 1604085 (2017).
【18】 Zeng, X.; Zhou, T.; Leng, C.; Zang, Z.*; Wang, M.; Hu, W.; Tang, X.; Lu, S.; Fang, L.;Zhou, M.*, Performance improvement of perovskite solar cells by employing a CdSe quantum dot/PCBM composite as an electron transport layer. J. Mater. Chem. A 5, 17499 (2017).
【19】 Tang, X.; Hu, Z.; Yuan, W.; Hu W.; Shao, H.; Han, D.; Zheng, J.; Hao, J.; Zang, Z.; Du, J.*; Leng, Y.; Fang, L.;Zhou, M.*, Novel Perovskite CsPb2Br5 Microplate Laser with Enhanced Stability and Tunable Properties. Adv. Optical Mater. 5, 1600788 (2016).
【20】 Ming, W. M.; Wang, Z. F.;Zhou, M.; Yoon, M.*; Liu, F.*, Formation of Ideal Rashba States on Layered Semiconductor Surfaces Steered by Strain Engineering. Nano. Lett.16, 404(2016).
【21】 Zhou, M.; Ming, W. M.; Liu, Z.; Wang, Z. F.; Li, P.; Liu, F.*, Epitaxial growth of large-gap quantum spin Hall state on semiconductor surface. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.U. S. A., 111, 14378(2014).
【22】 Zhou, M.; Liu, Z.; Ming, W.; Wang, Z. ; Li, P.; Liu, F*.,sd2graphene: Kagome band in hexagonal lattice. Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 236802 (2014).
【23】 Zhou, M.; Liu, Z.; Wang, Z.; Bai, Z.; Feng, Y.; Lagally, M. G.; Liu, F*. Strain-Engineered Surface Transport in Si (001): Complete Isolation of the Surface State via Tensile Strain. Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 246801 (2013).
【24】 Zhou, M.; Zhang, A.; Dai, Z.; Zhang, C.*; Feng, Y. P.*, Greatly enhanced adsorption and catalytic activity of Au and Pt clusters on defective graphene. J. Chem. Phys. 132, 194704(2010).
【25】 Zhou, M.; Lu, Y.; Cai, Y.; Zhang, C.*; Feng, Y. P.*, Adsorption of gas molecules on transition metal-embedded graphene: A search for high-performance graphene-based catalysts and gas sensors. Nanotechnology 22, 385502 (2011).
【26】 Zhou, M.; Cai, Y.; Zeng, M.; Zhang, C.*; Feng, Y. P.*, Mn-doped thiolated Au25nanoclusters: Atomic configuration, magnetic properties, and a possible high-performance spin filter. Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 143103 (2011).