Nuclear and Particle Physics Colloquium 8 (核与粒子物理学术报告会 8)
发布时间:2013-03-11   作者: 访问量:

Place: Room 513, Main Building, Beihang University

Time: 16:00-17:30 pm, March 12, 2013

Speaker: Dr. Peng Guo (Jafferson Lab)

Abstract: I will give a short introduction to particles scattering on a torus, which is the main ingredient of extracting scattering amplitude from Lattice QCD calculation. In particular, the focus will be on coupled-channel scattering. Some strategies of extracting scattering amplitudes from lattice simulations of a coupled-channel system will be discussed. These strategies are demonstrated using a toy model of resonant two-channel scattering.